Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meeting with Lawyers for house....

We met with our RE Agent and he led us by car to the attorney's office. We were impressed by his office and the people working there. They all spoke English very well.

It was the most complicated 'lease signing' we had ever seen! Seemed like we were BUYING a house instead of just renting for 6 months. wow. Formal documents had to be signed by all parties with copies of passports too. The 'formal book' he had was stamped all over the pages after we signed.
Since we speak spanish fluently, we told him he could proceed in Spanish, since the translating was taking some time. Then he started speaking three times as fast! lol, I think we were both thinking ' hope we can keep up!' but we were able to keep up with everything he was telling us. (good thing I used to sell Real Estate and knew most of the words though!!)

It was all done quickly and efficiently. We got instructions from the owner on the water, gas and electricity things we needed to know. Then she said we could use her parents internet (since they live next door). Bonus!
So far so good....

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